KOFUP currently supports one project in Uganda. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed in the past year. Without doubt you have helped, and are helping, to change lives and give hope.
Kamwokya Christian Caring Community
In Uganda, KOFUP supports the Kamwokya Christian Caring Community in the slum area of Kamwokya in Kampala. KOFUP’s involvement with KCCC dates from 2001. In their own words, they aim “to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS and poverty on the poor and vulnerable by increasing access to basic services, and building capacity of individuals, families and communities to address their health and social development needs”.
IMPACT: KOFUP currently provides funds to pay school fees for orphans and vulnerable children. We have rehoused families whose living conditions were dangerous and insecure for vulnerable girls. Our contribution to the work of KCCC is relatively small compared with the scale of their work in the slum, but has made a huge difference to the lives of many children.
Children love school.
NEEDS: The number of vulnerable children is constantly augmented by the arrival of refugees from areas of conflict and by people moving to the city from impoverished and insecure rural areas. Education and vocational training are keys to the future of slum children.